Other languages: 中文 Trying to update! please wait patiently. Upgrade the kernel again. The updated version is V86. This version of the kernel is more powerful than any previous version of the kernel. It not only supports 5G network card The attack also completely fixed all the issues mentioned in the iwconfig wireless extension compatibility driver module and the telegram group. comprehensive Upgraded various wireless network card firmware and kernel code, and added support for driver modules (such as Wireguard), I can open the /dev / diag debug module from different countries in the kernel. Friends can test the availability of QCSuper in the Github project. Profiles and compilers will undergo major updates, abandoning the original GCC10 The compiler turned to the faster Clang10 compiler, which is Google’s recommended compiler. It can restart the kernel code and make the code smaller and faster. To increase the speed of the phone core, the Clang10 compiler is compiled with the latest source code. So, many drivers have been added and are pending After using it, you can give it back to the TG telegram group or Github’s question. Ok, let’s talk a lot. I fell asleep first.